Rather than focusing on my own journey, I begin to reflect on how I can begin paying it forward to raise testicular cancer and men’s health awareness.

Rather than focusing on my own journey, I begin to reflect on how I can begin paying it forward to raise testicular cancer and men’s health awareness.
Soon after my testicular cancer diagnosis, a college friend, Brett, wrote a piece reacting to this shocking news and how he felt about it.
Realizing chemo would mean taking three months of from my job as a fourth grade teacher, I decided I would begin telling my students that I had cancer.
Chemo brain is a mix of brain fog, short attention span, and more. I wrote a piece in the midst of it to best describe how it is.
Soon after my testicular cancer diagnosis, a college friend, John, wrote a piece reacting to this shocking news and how he felt about it.
Before beginning chemotherapy, I decided to visit the fertility clinic to begin freezing sperm for my potential future fertility.
After completing chemotherapy, I settle into the next stage… the waiting game. Halfway between patient and survivor, I wait for results.
Soon after my testicular cancer diagnosis, a friend, Karly, wrote a piece reacting to this shocking news and how she felt about it.
Before beginning chemotherapy for testicular cancer, I decided to look into natural healing options. I wanted to know what the research says.
On my last day of BEP chemotherapy for testicular cancer, I have no words… so I made a mini documentary to celebrate it instead.