Testicular cancer chemotherapy would be starting in just a few weeks, and I decided to spend time with my friends and family.

Testicular cancer chemotherapy would be starting in just a few weeks, and I decided to spend time with my friends and family.
Testicular cancer chemotherapy was coming soon, but I still had to make a lot of preparations in work and in my medical tests.
Ahead of beginning chemotherapy for testicular cancer, I met with my oncologist for the first time to learn more about the road ahead.
Facing impending chemotherapy, I shared my testicular cancer journey with the whole world and began on my testicular cancer awareness mission.
Realizing chemo would mean taking three months of from my job as a fourth grade teacher, I decided I would begin telling my students that I had cancer.
Before beginning chemotherapy, I decided to visit the fertility clinic to begin freezing sperm for my potential future fertility.
Before beginning chemotherapy for testicular cancer, I decided to look into natural healing options. I wanted to know what the research says.
After my testicle was removed for testicular cancer, I had a follow up with my doctor. Had the cancer spread? What were the next steps?
After a successful cancer surgery, I continued telling people. I started opening up to more friends and distant family members.
The long road to recovery after my orchiectomy for testicular cancer began. Two forces were at odds – the physical and the emotional healing.