Steven Crocker, testicular cancer survivor, works to share his story to inspire and reassure those who may be afraid to get themselves checked out.

Steven Crocker, testicular cancer survivor, works to share his story to inspire and reassure those who may be afraid to get themselves checked out.
As a follow-up to my previous piece on receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, I talk about my experiences with getting the second dose.
On World Cancer Day 2021, Yolanda Origel, Founder of Cancer Kinship and 13-year survivor of Stage 3 breast cancer, shares the importance of fully healing.
Young adult cancer survivors Alexander Mandarino and Gabrielle Fecteau wrote a book all about letting go of “Balls of Shit.” Smells like a winner.
I had the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. I share my experiences of receiving the vaccine and some things to consider.
Anthony Mastrogiulio, testicular cancer survivor, shares how he found his “cancer family” and a wealth of support through his experience.
I Married a Dick Doctor, Who Fixes Women Too by Madeline Zech Ruiz tells you “everything you wanted to know about human plumbing but were afraid to ask!”
In Prostate Cancer: Sheep or Wolf?: Navigating Systemic Misinformation, survivor Murray Wadsworth shares what he wants all men to know about this cancer.
2020 can best be described as an abnormal year. Nonetheless, I received my normal report after my fourth annual post-cancer scan: still in remission.
The Max Mallory Foundation was founded after its namesake passed away from testicular cancer. His brother, John-Mark Mallory, shares Max’s story.