Avid cosplayer and testicular cancer survivor Mark Turner wants to give you A New Hope before The (Cancer) Empire Strikes Back.

Avid cosplayer and testicular cancer survivor Mark Turner wants to give you A New Hope before The (Cancer) Empire Strikes Back.
We’ve spent most of 2020/2021 in Zoom calls, but this call was one thing that didn’t happen at your weekly team meeting: a bunch of guys doing a self-exam
The USPSTF has declared that testicular exams should not be done. However, Dr. Michael Rovito feels that this isn’t wise and recommends something else.
Jason Greenspan shares his story of facing testicular cancer in his high school senior year. As a college senior, he aimed to make a difference.
A testicular self-exam is one of the easiest and most important thing a man can do for early detection of testicular cancer.
Nad and Tad, a pair of animated testicles brought to life by the Testicular Cancer Foundation, work to educate young men about this disease.
Valentines Day is the perfect time to make sure your testicles know that you love and care for them. Give them a self exam today!
We asked 550 men, “Do testicular exams and discussions about how to do a self exam happen at your doctor?” Survey says… Not as much as they should.
#Takea2nd4theBoys – Testicular self exams save lives and survior Ken Lane wants to help you remember to do them monthly with his campaign.
At the Ship’s Got Balls event, over 230 college guys grabbed their junk for a good cause – to break the world record for largest testicular self exam.