Nearly five years after my testicular cancer diagnosis, I have yet another CT scan. The good news: It’s clean. The bittersweet news: It’s the end of an era.

Nearly five years after my testicular cancer diagnosis, I have yet another CT scan. The good news: It’s clean. The bittersweet news: It’s the end of an era.
2020 can best be described as an abnormal year. Nonetheless, I received my normal report after my fourth annual post-cancer scan: still in remission.
If by unremarkable, you mean I am still cancer free after three years, I suppose I am ok with that. Another set of clean scans in the books!
I’ve now been in remission from testicular cancer for two years and I’ve learned a lot from the years of scans and how to handle them best.
After numerous periods of worry, I learn to accept the normalcy of going through the CT scan routine. Another scan, another clear result!
Various adjustments to my antidepressants, which I started after cancer, finally paid off. I reflected how mental health is treated on a societal level.
After facing testicular cancer, I realized I was facing depression. I needed help but I couldn’t do it on my own so I asked my doctor for help.
Scanxiety hits as I wait on the results of my most recent CT after facing testicular cancer. Will it come back or has it been fully vanquished?