I find three big themes in Spotsylvania County and American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life 2019: Stories, Hope, and Journey.

I find three big themes in Spotsylvania County and American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life 2019: Stories, Hope, and Journey.
ABSOT sits down with Susan Brown of Susan G. Komen to learn about male breast cancer, including risk factors, what to look for, and more!
Dan Duffy and and I are two testicular cancer survivors, with many commonalities in our stories and mission.
Back in the 1970s, testicular cancer used to be a death sentence. Thanks to the work of Dr. Lawrence Einhorn, now it’s one of the most curable cancers.
HealtheVoices19 brought together health advocates from around the world and many condition areas. My takeaways as a cancer advocate are here.
Nad and Tad, a pair of animated testicles brought to life by the Testicular Cancer Foundation, work to educate young men about this disease.
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month is in April and I take some time to reflect on how awareness has been growing in the past year.
New breakthroughs in genetic testing shows that genetic abnormalities in prostate cancer patients can lead to higher risk in other cancer types.
Olympic swimmer Nathan Adrian shares his battle with testicular cancer and how he plans to bring awareness to it going forward
Testicular cancer survivor Alun Pepper became Britain’s Manliest Man by sharing his story and what it means to be truly manly.