Happy Nuts Wants to Take Care of the Whole Package
I recently discovered a company named Happy Nuts and just loved the name (despite having the plural form of nuts in their name). Their mission is to sell “personal care products for men’s nuts, which provides a fun way for men to tame common issues between the legs.”
Upon digging around on their website, I found that they give back (or “nut back” as they say) to men’s health causes through a partnership with the Prostate Cancer Institute at the National University of Ireland – Galway. Since I love men’s hygiene brands that support health issues (shout-out to Ballwash), I had to learn more so I reached out to them to see what they had in the pipes.
ABSOT: What does the partnership with the Prostate Cancer Institute at the National University of Ireland entail?
Happy Nuts: We’ve partnered with the Prostate Cancer Institute at the National University of Ireland – Galway to provide funding for scientific research to cure prostate cancer. We donate to the Galway University Foundation quarterly.

ABSOT: Let’s go back a bit. How did this partnership start? What made you choose them as your beneficiary?
Happy Nuts: We wanted to find a way to give directly to a research effort so our donations would have the most impact possible. After asking around friends and family we stumbled upon NUIG. We found that donating to The Prostate Cancer Institute allowed us to directly fund achievements in cancer biology and therapeutics and a strong team of internationally recognized pre-clinical, translational, and clinical cancer scientists. This made picking them as our beneficiary a no-brainer.
ABOST: Sounds like it. Besides the funding, what other things do you hope to do in the future to continue raising awareness?
Happy Nuts: We plan to increase social awareness by spreading the word about prostate cancer prevention tips and facts through our social channels and marketing efforts as our sales increase.
ABSOT: What big message about men’s health do you want to share with my readers?
Happy Nuts: One out of nine men will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime so this partnership will raise funding and awareness on the issue. We’re in the business of improving men’s hygiene with Happy Nuts natural products so it’s our duty to drive change and get the word out.
A self exam is how most cases of testicular cancer are detected early. Click the image for video directions or click here for a larger version
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ABSOT is endorsed by the Laughter Arts and Sciences Foundation, a registered 501.c.3 charity. To make a tax-deductible contribution to help continue ABSOT's work with testicular cancer awareness and men's health, click the image below.