The late Sean Kimerling lost his life to testicular cancer, but his legacy lives on through the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation.

The late Sean Kimerling lost his life to testicular cancer, but his legacy lives on through the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation.
Testicular cancer survivor Alex Soo shares how he “needed to live for [his] son” when some complications arose during his journey.
Avid cosplayer and testicular cancer survivor Mark Turner wants to give you A New Hope before The (Cancer) Empire Strikes Back.
Michael Acosta faced testicular cancer in high school. Now he works as a mentor to other cancer patients so no one fights alone.
Hands In Your Pants is the name of the game for testicular cancer survivor Stuey Ross, who co-founded this organization to raise awareness.
Testicular cancer survivor and registered nurse Ryan Litwin uses his experience to help others, including running across the US for the Ulman Foundation.
#TalkingBollocks is the name of the game when it comes to Toby Freeman. Through the Robin Cancer Trust, he works to honor the memory of his late brother.
Hailing from Belgium, David de Wilde shares his story of facing testicular cancer and how he hopes to spread awareness in his country.
Steven Crocker, testicular cancer survivor, works to share his story to inspire and reassure those who may be afraid to get themselves checked out.
Anthony Mastrogiulio, testicular cancer survivor, shares how he found his “cancer family” and a wealth of support through his experience.