Joe Utecht faced testicular cancer a few years ago. It taught him a lot and now he’s working hard to promote early detection and genetic testing.

Joe Utecht faced testicular cancer a few years ago. It taught him a lot and now he’s working hard to promote early detection and genetic testing.
After facing testicular cancer at 22, Zach Carson has vowed to raise awareness of this disease as one of his future plans.
Gaurav Udiyavar faced testicular cancer in 2006. Now, he’s looking to do more to spread awareness of this disease and help others.
Testicular cancer survivor Alex Soo shares how he “needed to live for [his] son” when some complications arose during his journey.
Testicular cancer survivor and registered nurse Ryan Litwin uses his experience to help others, including running across the US for the Ulman Foundation.
“April showers bring May flowers, and other types of showers may or may not be appropriate for testicular self-exam powers.”
Anthony Mastrogiulio, testicular cancer survivor, shares how he found his “cancer family” and a wealth of support through his experience.
2020 can best be described as an abnormal year. Nonetheless, I received my normal report after my fourth annual post-cancer scan: still in remission.
The Max Mallory Foundation was founded after its namesake passed away from testicular cancer. His brother, John-Mark Mallory, shares Max’s story.
ChemBro – Embracing Beastmode to Beat Cancer is Adam Bernard’s memoir about facing testicular cancer. As a fellow survivor, I found many nuggets of wisdom.